Very comprehensive lists, detailing every item, have to be prepared and a Certificate of Health and Hygiene obtained. After being assigned to a particular centre each box must be weighed and labelled and given a value for customs purposes. A bond must be raised to cover the value. This bond is repaid once the officials certify the Aid has been delivered as assigned. Eventually the containers are packed very tightly and sent by sea to Bulgaria. This year to Rousse and to Bourgas.
When the containers arrived in Bulgaria and cleared Customs the contents were distributed to 5 Centres for Orphans (300) and 1 Home for the Elderly (78) in Bourgas. In Rousse they were assigned to 4 Orphanages (500), 7 Centres for the Disabled (1200), 2 Homes for the Elderly (120) and 1 Hospital. A total of 20 different places. Distribution by lorry was quite a logistical exercise!
Christine is willing to speak to any Club or group interested in giving support. There are videos illustrating past trips, many photographs, a DVD and many letters of thanks available.